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Pre-accelerator programme for early-stage founders in Northern England, Northern Ireland and Wales

Praetura Ventures is relaunching its PraeSeed program, offering up to £200k in investment and expert support to pre-seed North West startups through the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund ...

Northern Hospitality: How to collaborate with NHS Trusts for Trials, Evaluations and Procurement. 

Northern Gritstone has made a £2 million investment into adsilico, a groundbreaking computational medicine company, spunout from the University of Leeds, based on research funded by the Roy...

The funding will allow Cryoniss, a specialist provider of temperature controlled storage and logistics management services for the life sciences sector, to scale up their operations and sale...

This document is to help employers, employees and the selfemployed in the UK understand how to work safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping as many people as possible 2 metres apart fro...

A partnership of North East universities that is already delivering a step-change in the translation of world-class research into sustainable commercial enterprises is embarking on the creat...

THIS week the government revealed £1.6bn of planned industry investment in the North’s life sciences in its Industrial Strategy Life Sciences Sector Deal. The figures gathered by the Nort...

A new analysis of figures from HMG's Office of Life Sciences, Strength and Opportunity 2017: the landscape of the medical technology and biopharmaceutical sectors in the UK report, provided ...

A new centre will be set up in Newcastle to look at the development of cell, gene and tissue engineered therapies in the UK.

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