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Dr. Farid Khan, CEO of PharmaKure was awarded Asian Tech Pioneer in his work in Biotech.

A team of vision researchers from the University of Liverpool have received £2.1m to develop a contact lens that can repair eye damage.

PharmaKure has launched a study to examine the relationship between blood biomarkers and historical PET scans or CSF in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Alzheimer’s Disease.

In Silico trials offer great potential savings in time and money. However, they are not without challenges. Are you developing an In Silico model, or are in the process of using one or have...

Often, research projects or sample storage facilities will start small, using just one or two containers - often referred to as ‘Dewars’ - to store a few samples. As the facility grows, ...

Genomics has provided us with a new armoury for tackling pandemics, enabling us to respond faster and with more accuracy to COVID-19.

With over 900 students from 20 institutions and about 40 companies presenting, read about the recent Bionow Digital Careers Fair

As the world enters a new wave of lockdowns, Biorelate, a Manchester-based AI start up, extends its free use of Galactic to all researchers.

Stream Bio and MIP Diagnostics have joined forces to develop a SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) detection reagent, a lateral flow point of care rapid diagnostic and an ELISA type assay for high throu...

OPENCORONA consortium awarded €3million funding by Horizon 2020 to support emergency research and development against the COVID-19 outbreak

The impact of the latest generation of drugs for the healthcare industry

One of the UK’s leaders in chemical and biochemical engineering design has published a new whitepaper looking into the lengths manufacturers and researchers need to go to when assessing co...

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