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Deepfake technology represents a considerable challenge in the realm of cyber security. As cyber criminals adopt this technology to exploit vulnerabilities, businesses must understand its im...

A busy and buoyant BioFocus once again saw a fantastic turnout with 140 delegates, speakers and panellists plus 21 exhibitors coming together to share the latest technologies, innovations, k...

AI is a rapidly evolving science and the regulators are struggling to keep up. But is it friend or foe?

A new report by SRG and New Scientist Jobs reveals salary benchmarks, workplace trends, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, AI in the workplace and more.

This innovation Lab is an opportunity for businesses to overcome challenges by collaborating with academic experts in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI)

A call to interview managers and professionals working in drug discovery on their perspective on the development and use of AI in drug discovery.

Tools like ChatGPT and Bard promise to simplify the patent process, slashing costs and saving time. However, when it comes to safeguarding your intellectual property, these AI assistants can...

AI is a hot topic. Many life science and biomedical businesses are already using AI or exploring its potential to revolutionise the way they deliver their services. But it’s not all good n...

Explore the transformative impact of AI in healthcare and discover vital strategies for safeguarding AI-enhanced medical technologies within Europe's regulatory landscape. Gain insights into...

Marks & Clerk AI Report 2023 reveals an interesting insight into the latest trends in patent applications

Talking about AI/ChatGPT in HR and recruitment and how it's going to impact on recruitment and HR, with details relevant if you are reading this from the hiring side, or as a candidate.

Are you a scaling company looking to transform healthcare through data-driven innovation? Look no further than the Edinburgh University AI Accelerator Programme, delivered by The University ...

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