Regulating AI in Pharmacovigilance

Regulating AI in Pharmacovigilance

Published on 17/06/2024
Regulating AI in Pharmacovigilance
Pharmora’s CMO, Dr Stephanie Jones, gives her thoughts on AI following a panel discussion at the EU Pharmacovigilance conference in May. Read the full blog (with helpful links) on our website. 
Everyone is talking about AI: What is it? Will it take our jobs? Will it save the world, or will it ruin everything? 
I was lucky enough to be invited to a panel discussion called “Regulating AI in Pharmacovigilance” and, because this is a topic of key relevance to our clients right now, I decided to write a blog. 
We heard from visionary leaders and experienced fellow Pharmacovigilance professionals (including Julia Appelskog, who literally wrote the book on this!) 

Discussion points included: 
The biggest issue in Pharmacovigilance right now is recruitment and retention of talent. 
AI could help with this by taking on some of the time-consuming, high-volume work. This could release the talented individuals within pharmacovigilance organisations to use their brain power for more strategic activities. 
Regulatory Agency ongoing work  
We heard that individual regulatory agencies are assessing the risks and potential impacts of AI and developing their own action plans.   
CIOMS XIV Working Group 
We discussed the fact that Pharmacovigilance has used AI for many years, and heard that CIOMS have established a new Working Group to develop guidance for those working with it within our industry.  
I remain optimistic that the urgent need to regulate AI will bring everyone back to the table and lead to harmonisation. 
This panel discussion gave me a great deal of insight and understanding, which I've expanded on in my blog. But the more I learn about AI the more I realise how much there is to learn!  
Read the full blog from our CMO, with helpful links and interesting insights at our website: here 

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