I recently wrote a post on what I have learnt from the job search process for CY Partners, it has nothing to do with scientific CVs and interviews but is more about considering your Ikigai (a Japanese concept on finding your path to fulfillment), potential, community and hobbies and ultimately finding your confidence and self belief.
Ikigai is a Japanese concept, that translates to ‘A reason for Being’ and it helps in finding your path to fulfillment. See original article for image.
Considering what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs and what you can get paid for are essential to working out your passion, mission, vocation and profession. It is a life-long process and so trusting in the timing of your life is also another tip to help you on your way. Your first role after graduating may or may not provide satisfaction in all four areas so be prepared to think long term but know you are working to reach your potential.
It is so easy for studying and career to become all-consuming and take over every waking minute, especially considering the last year with working from home blurring boundaries further. Not only is it an interesting subject of conversation at interview, it is also scientifically proven that if your hobby is exercise, then movement changes the way you think and feel in a positive direction (see Caroline Williams recent article in New Scientist 22 May 2021). If your hobbies are creative, then see tip number 1 for keeping passion and creativity in your life.
Being part of a community has been proven to have a positive effect on mental health and well-being. When job hunting also consider that your potential is the sum of your skills, knowledge and experience along with your IQ/EQ and PQ (intelligence, emotional intelligence and positive intelligence or resilience) along with your social networks: keep nurturing your networks.
Arm yourself with knowledge and learning. Approach this opportunity with curiosity. Research CV writing tips relevant for your industry, interview tips for the type of interview you have coming up. Listen to feedback and learn from it. I mean I’m not wanting to teach Grandma to suck eggs here as the definition of science is literally ‘knowledge attained through study or practice’ and if you’re going to work in the scientific industries, you’ll be pretty au fait with this.
You have come this far; you can do it. I believe in you. You should too.
Share your story with us, we can listen and offer help where you need it. And you might just find your next opportunity on our website in the process.