Standing out from the crowd

Standing out from the crowd

Published on 11/02/2021
Standing out from the crowd

Similar to the scientific method, marketing makes use of objectivity in understanding data and behaviours to create a campaign, or a blend of strategies that will provide you with the desired results.  Often people believe that marketing is a science which cannot be measured but they are wrong.

It’s all about research – the insights gleaned from data help to target your audience and market, and this leads to a strong marketing strategy that gives great results.

With ever increasing competition, marketing your specialist products, technology or services within the life sciences industry is now tougher than ever. It is essential to understand your audience in depth to grow a successful company.

MoxieWorks is a creative marketing agency with an insider view and a broad perspective when it comes to understanding our client’s needs. Before forming MoxieWorks, we were the in–house media and marketing team for a group of interrelated businesses in London, comprised of one of the UK’s leading Specialist Dental Clinics - Dawood & Tanner, a leading medical imaging company - Cavendish Imaging, and an industrial 3D Printing bureau - Additive.

We have recently won a lot of praise for our work with a US bio pharma, helping them communicate positive changes to their investor and customer base in a clear, concise and timely manner. 

On a Scale of 1 – 10,  how would rate your marketing and media?

If it is below 6, we would love to help you.

•       Who precisely do you want to speak to?

•       What do you need to say to them?

•       How will you communicate the unique benefits of your drug, diagnostic device, technology, specialist equipment or service?

•       How can you help them?

Contact Maxine Fennell and reference Bionow


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