Employers...know your stuff on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships?

Employers...know your stuff on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships?

Published on 20/01/2020
Employers...know your stuff on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships? On the evening of the 13th February, Keele University are collaborating with Higher Horizons to host an apprenticeship evening “Know your Stuff: Higher and Degree Apprenticeships”. The event will operate two targeted streams: one for employers, particularly SMEs and another for prospective apprentices. 

The event will bring together young people, parents, guardians, advisors and employers with a focus on demystifying apprenticeships and helping decision-making.

We are looking for employers to support the event through the following means:
  • Helping prospective apprentices understand how you recruit and what you want to see in a strong  apprenticeship application 
  • Helping businesses understand the benefits and the challenges of employing apprentices 

We are also keen that prospective apprentices hear authentic voices about the experience and welcome participation from any of your apprentices (whether from Keele or studying a higher or degree level apprenticeship elsewhere).  For participating apprentices, participation will be a useful activity to include in reflective skills portfolios. 

The event will make a genuine difference to supporting decision-making of learners from Higher Horizons target Schools and Colleges and is an opportunity to showcase your opportunities, regardless of which training providers they are with. 
Higher Horizons are part of the National Collaborative Outreach Programme and encourage young people from under represented groups in higher education to achieve their potential by enrolling on university courses. Much of the work is focused on young people who may be the first in their family to think about higher education, or who have low expectations of their routes through education. They are keen to increase awareness and participation in apprenticeships. 
If this is something you feel you would be able to participate in, we would be delighted to collaborate.

For further information go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/employersknow-your-stuff-on-higher-and-degree-apprenticeships-registration-79355238655

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