Greater Manchester’s NHS and Councils are working together to develop and test new advanced technologies that will join up vital information across public services and empower people to live well, integrate care and save lives.
- £14.3m digital transformation programme to develop advanced technologies across public services
- Dementia, frailty and early years amongst the first areas to test innovative new approaches
- Joining up information will empower people to live well, integrate care and save lives
Greater Manchester’s NHS and Councils are working together to develop and test new advanced technologies that will join up vital information across public services and empower people to live well, integrate care and save lives.
While there have been many technological advances across the city-region, public services operate a variety of different technical systems that are unable to share information, which impacts on the quality of care and services people receive.
Under the plans, a suite of new technologies will be developed to allow the safe and secure sharing of information between professionals, improve the accuracy of data and provide people with insights to take charge of their own health and wellbeing.
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is contributing up to £6.8m as part of the project, with a further £7.5m coming from the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GMHSCP), under NHS England’s national Local Health and Care Record (LHCR) transformation programme.
The technology will first be tested to improve care for people living with dementia or who are frail by enabling critical information to be shared between patients, carers and professionals. Around 30,000 people are estimated to live with dementia in Greater Manchester, with around £270m spent on care and treatment each year. The new technology will support more robust integrated care planning, help people maintain their independence and detect changes in their condition to avoid hospital admission.
It will also be used to digitise the paper-based assessments used to review a child’s development up to the age of five. Parents and guardians will be able to complete and review the tests online, which will directly feed into the child’s health record and help identify children who need additional support. It will also free-up valuable clinical time for health visiting teams, equating to around £10m per year in productivity once rolled out across the city-region.
Once developed and tested, the technology platform can then be adopted by other service areas to drive rapid improvements into the health and wealth of Greater Manchester’s 2.8m citizens.