2019 Bionow Awards Competition

Has your organisation secured an impressive Investment Deal? Does your Company have Outstanding Technologists and Projects? If so, now is the time to submit an application!
Awards Competition
The Bionow Awards are given to honour those most deserving for their ingenuity and dedication, distinguishing them from their competitors and proving them worthy of recognition and we would encourage ALL companies to consider submitting an application.

The 2019 Award Categories are:-
Bionow Start Up of the Year Sponsored by 
Bionow Project of the Year Sponsored by  
Bionow Technical Service Sponsored by 
Bionow Export Award Sponsored by 
Bionow AMR Award Sponsored by 
Bionow Outstanding Contribution Sponsored by 
(By Invitation Only)
Bionow Company of the Year Sponsored by 
(By Invitation Only)
Closing Date for Submission
All applications must be submitted no later than Friday 25th October at 5.30pm. No extension will be given to this deadline.

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