How OneSC’s Data-Driven Insights Can Lead To Efficient Workflows

How OneSC’s Data-Driven Insights Can Lead To Efficient Workflows

Published on 22/08/2024
How OneSC’s Data-Driven Insights Can Lead To Efficient Workflows

The guiding force behind the evolution of OneSC are our users. By acting on the valuable insights and feedback from our partners, we have a new upcoming feature that is set to revolutionise your supply chain operations.

A well known industry problem in today’s supply chain landscape is the lack of visibility. Supply chains are complex, intricate systems that need to work together across cross-functional departments and teams. The lack of visibility can largely hinder supply chain operations, causing disruptions that may lead to hefty compliance fines.

According to Mckinsey, the lack of visibility severely cripples the effectiveness of a supply chain network, leaving the door open to other minor errors that go unreported, negatively impacting the production process as a whole.

To gain a better understanding of this challenge, we met with heads of pharmaceutical supply chains.

We find ourselves repeatedly following the same procedures to approve batches. Why can't this be automated, that way, we can use the team for higher value tasks.  Roger • COO of an established pharmaceutical firm.

His desire to automate repetitive tasks meant there would more time to work on improving other supply chain operations such as pin-pointing bottlenecks and subsequently implementing effective solutions. Reflecting on what he said, we set to work.

Task Management

The development of the task management feature has been a long-anticipated journey, spanning over several months. In the initial phases, we engaged in interviews with various users to conceive product design concepts tailored to streamline batch processes specific to each user.

Learning from this, we centred around three key indicators:

  • Increased Automation
  • Improved Collaboration
  • In-depth Task Tracking

OneSC can now incorporate workflow automation, significantly reducing manual efforts involved in tracking tasks and reducing the chances of user error.

The platform considers the user’s business priorities and schedules, based on which a well-organised task list will be automatically generated. This allows users to focus on the most relevant tasks at hand and ultimately boosts productivity and ensures that batches are reviewed and released to market on schedule.

In cases where unexpected delays arise, OneSC can promptly identify these delays (even potential delays), investigate the root causes and take decisive actions to rectify the area of concern.

This enables businesses to create tasks based on business priority priority updates and reminders, ultimately boosting productivity and ensuring that no task goes beyond the deadline.

Collaboration is a cornerstone of OneSC and task management feature enhances this within teams by allowing teams to assign tasks and send notification updates to users – all in real-time.
OneSC’s task management offers valuable insights into task completion rates, bottlenecks and productivity metrics, empowering businesses to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune their supply chain processes.

Task management is likely to become more intuitive and responsive over time, we have huge ambitions in the pipeline that harness artificial intelligence to precisely estimate data analytics to further streamline operations.

We have much to share, watch this space to know more.

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