Embracing Sustainability in Analytical Science : Blog

Embracing Sustainability in Analytical Science : Blog

Published on 06/08/2024
Embracing Sustainability in Analytical Science : Blog

Embracing Sustainability in Analytical Science

In the analytical science field, Waters is committed to driving sustainability, efficiency, and precision. We believe that sustainable practices in the use of analytical instruments are crucial for reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and optimizing resource use. This aligns with our dedication to making a positive impact on the world. Our global efforts to drive innovation and operational excellence while fostering an environmentally conscious approach are reflected in our most recent accomplishments with the ACQUITY™ QDa™ II Mass Detector.

Sustainability in Analytical Science: The Role of the ACQUITY QDa II Mass Detector

The ACQUITY QDa II Mass Detector embodies the way Waters advances the boundaries of analytical science. Tailored for chromatographers seeking mass spectral data without the intricacies associated with traditional mass spectrometry, the ACQUITY QDa II Mass Detector provides a streamlined solution for confirming compound identity and quantifying chemicals. It is particularly advantageous for chemicals with either no UV response or concentrations beyond the reach of optical detection, enabling the analysis of a broader range of chemical entities with efficiency, cost-effectiveness, low energy consumption, and a compact footprint.

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Stephanie Marie King 



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