Cybersecurity Awareness Month with Mitigo

Cybersecurity Awareness Month with Mitigo

Published on 29/09/2023
Cybersecurity Awareness Month with Mitigo

Cybersecurity Awareness month with Mitigo

It’s nearly October, which means Cybersecurity Awareness Month is fast approaching. Our cyber risk management partner Mitigo will be sharing helpful advice and guidance surrounding key topics to help improve your business' cybersecurity. Keep your eyes peeled in newsletters and on socials.


Mitigo is a bionow trusted cybersecurity partner, providing members with protection against cyber attacks (including ransomware and email account takeover), operational resilience, data security and legal and regulatory compliance. The service covers risk assessment, technology testing, cyber awareness training, and governance. Mitigo also provides an incident response and investigation service. Email: to find out more or to book a free no obligation consultation.

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