Special Offer for Members Involved in Image-based Machine Learning and AI

Special Offer for Members Involved in Image-based Machine Learning and AI

Published on 15/10/2021
Special Offer for Members Involved in Image-based Machine Learning and AI Bionow members involved in image-based Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are invited to try gliff.ai’s leading-edge software platform for 1 month for free using the discount code: BIONOW21OCT

gliff.ai is delighted to include its Growing Team plan within this offer so that Bionow members can experience the full range of platform features and collaborate with up to 15 users.

The company’s mission is to make the process of developing trusted biomedical and medtech AI as simple as possible. Core to developing a great AI is to use the best quality training data - 80% of the cost and effort involved with preparing a MedTech AI is expended developing a high-quality training dataset. Designed using in-house expertise in medical imaging and data science, the software comprises user-friendly tools for curating, annotating and managing datasets, all in one platform. What’s more, all data is end-to-end encrypted keeping your data private even from us, and gliff.ai’s code is Open Source and thus available for inspection by users and regulators alike.

The current version of gliff.ai’s Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) software suite gives users the functionality to:
● CURATE datasets, combine 1000s of images and annotations, including image labels, all with complete dataset versioning
● ANNOTATE images with intuitive tools to capture domain expert knowledge through image-level, region-level and pixel-level annotation
● MANAGE teams on projects, including assigning images to individuals for annotation, compare annotations of different individuals and see progress with project insights
● A full audit trail is provided for all actions, to demonstrate who contributed what, when and how to the data supporting new regulatory requirements. To try gliff.ai’s platform now, visit gliff.ai/pricing/, select a plan and use the discount code: BIONOW21OCT Later this year, gliff.ai will also be releasing two further products which will enable users to:
● REGISTER individual AI models and a complete training history in an auditable fashion with our AI model versioning
● AUDIT projects and access complete histories of datasets, annotations and AI models that can be downloaded to complete regulatory documentation.

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